Sunday, September 19, 2010

The Simpsons Hit and Run Video Game

The Advertisement that I think applies to 12 year old is the game 'The Simpson's Hit and Run'. In particular this game would be more appealing to 12-year-old boys then girls. The purpose of the advertisement is to promote the product by grabbing the attention of the customer’s eye.

The layout of the ad has the title of the game higher up on the page and a little off centre. Next to the title is the Simpsons logo. Homer is in the foreground while the rest of the family and characters are in the background. This gives the effect that Homer is running away from the others.

Target audience would be more for 12year old boys then girls because it looks a semi-violent video game that wouldn’t appeal to the female audience as much. The features that show that the audience is this are the colour of the game as well as the fact that it is the Simpson's. The colours are eye catching to the younger audience because there are so many colours and they are bright.

The writing on the advertisement is minimal besides for the name of the game and what characters would be in it. Most 12year old males now-a-days don’t read as much as what other generations did so the minimal writing and the detailed picture catches their eye more and they immediately know what the advertisement is about. This ad would make the audience want the product because of the simplicity of the advertisement and also because most 12-year-olds like 'The Simpsons'.

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