Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Tommy Sullivan is a Freak

Tommy Sullivan is a Freak is a book written by Meg Cabot who is widely known for writing Romantic Comedy's. This book is targeted to the younger 'Tween' girls, around the age of 12 or 13.

Katie Ellison (the lead female character) is one of the girls in her school that everyone loves. she has a perfect boyfriend, whom everyone wants, and is full of talent. Tommy Sullivan on the other hand, is a total FREAK! He was run out of town a few years ago because he exposed the football team as cheats and no one has ever forgotten. Tommy is now back and he is everything but a freak. He is completely hot and if Katie's not careful enough, he may cause her to lose everything. This book appeals to 12 year old girls because it is a simple but interesting book to read. Some aspects of the book they can relate to. It's a book that all can love.

'Tommy Sullivan is a Freak' based in the small town of Eastport where the Quahogs football team run the town. No one messes with them or changes anything without them giving the OK, but when Tommy Sullivan returns with his family, the town of Easport is turned upside down.

'Tommy Sullivan is a Freak' is fast paced and a book that you can't put down. Want to know what happens to Katie and Tommy? I recommend you buy straight away!

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